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Last updated: Feb. 12, 11:00 Page 5 of 8
As new sea passages open up, the commercial and defence possibilities are becoming irresistible. To take advantage, America desperately needs ships
By Rana Foroohar
Financial Times,  Feb. 08, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
The most important global events likely to affect FX and bond markets in the week starting Feb. 10
By Jessica Fleetham and Fabiana Negrin Ochoa
The Wall Street Journal,  Feb. 07, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Move by financial ombudsman is designed to deter ‘ambulance chasing’ groups bringing spurious cases
By Martin Arnold, Financial Regulation Editor
Financial Times,  Feb. 07, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
US president tells lawmakers he wants to strike ‘carried interest’ rule used by leading financiers
By James Politi and Alex Rogers in Washington and Antoine Gara in New York
Financial Times,  Feb. 06, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
A quarter of young Canadians are open to exploring union with the US
By Joel Suss
Financial Times,  Feb. 05, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Global leaders, chief executives and lawmakers are navigating whipsaw changes touching healthcare, schools and the global supply chain
By Aaron Zitner, Scott Patterson and Eliza Collins
The Wall Street Journal,  Feb. 08, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
President Trump called for ending the so-called carried interest loophole, which saves financiers billions. It’s a tax break that has survived time after time.
By Andrew Ross SorkinRavi MattuBernhard WarnerSarah KesslerMichael J. de la MercedLauren Hirsch and Edmund Lee
The New York Times,  Feb. 07, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Labour’s erratic, piecemeal approach will not deliver lasting change
By Andy Haldane, an FT contributing editor, is chief executive of the Royal Society of Arts and former chief economist at the Bank of England
Financial Times,  Feb. 07, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Scott Turner says he plans to quickly launch a review to root out inefficiencies at the agency
By Gina Heeb, AnnaMaria Andriotis and Corrie Driebusch
The Wall Street Journal,  Feb. 06, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Marco Rubio is right. The Neutrality Treaty authorizes America to enforce a prohibition against ‘foreign operation.’
By Eugene Kontorovich
The Wall Street Journal,  Feb. 04, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Seventy-five years ago, Harold Ridley successfully implanted the world’s first artificial intraocular lens.
By Andrew Lam
The Wall Street Journal,  Feb. 07, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were bailed out by the government during the housing crisis nearly 17 years ago. The Trump administration is considering letting them go private again.
By Matthew Goldstein
The New York Times,  Feb. 07, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Markets concluded tariffs on Mexico and Canada would hurt the economy and raise prices. But they got both countries to act.
By Greg IP
The Wall Street Journal,  Feb. 07, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
President Trump wants control of the island to boost US security in the Arctic
Financial Times,  Feb. 06, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
The company’s sweeping expense ratio cuts for dozens of funds may pressure other asset managers to lower their costs too.
By Andrew Welsch
Barron`s,  Feb. 03, 2025    E-mail this to a Friend
Last updated: Feb. 12, 11:00 Page 5 of 8