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Will the global equities’ rally continue in 2010?    My answer is: no!    The current positive trend could last a few more weeks, perhaps until March-April, but, as the year progresses, investors will have to admit that prices are much ahead of financial and economic reality across the planet.    I believe that 2010 will be even more turbulent than 2009 was, with a high probability that equity prices succumb to panic selling during the summer months. ... Read more
Ten years ago, the new millennium started with so much hope!    It was supposed to be the best of time to come for investors around the globe.    Euphoria was cut short by the first of two major bubbles, the dot-coms’ and telecoms’ bubble, which burst in the first year of the new millennium.    Falling prices, panic and recession tainted the 2000-2003 period. Then prices ... Read more


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