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After a panic selling, usually imprint of exaggeration leading to undervaluation of financial assets, investors would return to the marketplace and dip their feet into the investment waters with renewed enthusiasm.    It is rather peculiar to notice that it did not happen after the October 2008 panic selling!    Worse, the unveiling of the Madoff’s fraud precipitated even more selling pressure in financial markets at the four corners of Earth. ... Read more
On Jan. 1, 2009, Slovakia became the Eurozone newest, 16th member and the first country formerly behind the Iron Curtain (officially within the Soviet sphere of influence) to adopt the Euro.    Expectations run pretty high on how joining the Eurozone would impact the nation’s economy, culminating with the happy feeling that by abandoning its national currency (Koruna) at the altar of the Euro, the entire country has left behind the “emerging” market status. ... Read more


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