The current market turmoil has already done a lot of damage and destroyed a number of investment myths, such as “quant” investment, multi-strategy fund investment, hedge funds, mutual funds, junk bonds, corporate bonds, equities, commodities and currencies. Investors find themselves in a desert, where the only visible oasis, so far, have been the U.S. Treasuries and the U.S. Dollar. ... Read more
The problem in Europe is not only an import from the U.S. The European sub-prime market has accumulated “homegrown” difficulties as well. During the last decade, housing prices in Europe have risen sharply and faster than in the U.S., a consequence of the European common currency launch. Before the adoption of the Euro, within the Eurozone, interest rates were set at the national level and would reflect the credit ranking of each single country. ... Read more
- MARKETS AT A GLANCE - Close as of August 17, 2007
- U.S. FIXED-INCOME MARKET AT A GLANCE - Close as of August 17, 2007
- COMMODITIES AT A GLANCE - Close as of August 17, 2007
- PULSE OF THE U.S. ECONOMY - As a Guidance for Other Geographies
- CURRENCIES AT A GLANCE - Close as of August 17, 2007
- U.S. and Latin America's Equity Indices -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- Europe's Equity Indices -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- Asia's Equity Indices -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- U.S. Standard and Poor's 500 Index -- NYSE Financial -- Comparable Log Scale 1968-2007
- U.S. 10-Year Treasury Bond Yield 1938-2007
- Global 10-Year Government Yields -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- U.S.Dollar against Global Currencies -- First Set -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- U.S.Dollar against Global Currencies -- Second Set -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- EURO against Global Currencies -- First Set -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- EURO against Global Currencies -- Second Set -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- U.S.Dollar per EURO 1997-2007
- U.S.Dollar per EURO 1970-2007
- Japanese YEN per US$ -- 1997-2007
- U.S.Dollar per British Pound 1997-2007
- Various Commodities priced in US$ -- Comparable Log Scale 1997-2007
- Various Commodities priced in US$ -- Comparable Log Scale 2000-2007
- CRB Futures Index 1910-2007
- U.S. Outstanding Residential Mortgages' Debt -- 2007
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