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The world appears caught between “mother nature” manifesting its wildest expression and “war”, all events that should be “extraordinary” in nature, but which instead forced their presence into our everyday life as events of almost “normal” occurrence!    If one pauses for a moment and tries to put even the most dramatic global events into a proper perspective and if economic size is a proper measure to take the world’s temperature, indeed, Europe remains a bigger influence than Japan to global stability ... Read more
The annual Canadian budget debates resulted in a political earthquake this last week.    PM Steven Harper’s Conservative (Tories) government fell (March 25) under heavy pressure from the opposition (the Liberals, the separatist Bloc Québécois and the left-leaning New Democrats).    Parliament is being dissolved as a result of the no-confidence motion and new general elections have been scheduled for May 2, 2011. ... Read more


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